Advanced Clinical Genomics Nurse (ACGN)
The Advanced Clinical Genomics Nurse credential (ACGN), is offered to nurses with a Masters degree or higher in nursing who are advanced practice nurses with a clinical focus in genetics/genomics care.

Documentation of competence and clinical expertise based upon the “Scope and Standards of Genetics/Genomic Clinical Nursing Practice” as established by the American Nurses Association (April, 2016)
Recognition of ability to provide specialty genomic health care by professional colleagues and consumers
Pride in accomplishment of advanced practice knowledge and skills in genomic health care
Benefits of ACGN Credential
More details about the role of an
Advanced Clinical Genomics Nurse
● Document detailed family histories, including pedigrees
● Perform genomic focused health assessments
● Develop plans of care, order appropriate genetic testing, initiate health care interventions and make appropriate referrals
● Provide counseling to individuals and families about genetic risk
● Provide health teaching to patients, families, and communities
● Receive referrals from other health care providers to care for patients and families who have conditions influenced by genomic factors
● Provide continuing education to other health professionals
● Conduct research in nursing and genomics
● Publish articles for the professional and lay literature
The ACGN is awarded upon successful submission of the electronic portfolio and completion of the credentialing process indicating an acceptable level of knowledge of genomics and clinical practice standards in Genomic Nursing. Renewal of accreditation is awarded to nurses holding a current genomic credential and meeting requirements established by the NPCC.
The portfolio submission for the ACGN credential requires focused time to write four case studies, plus submission of all the required documentation.
Of note, a peer and supervisor letter is required with the portfolio submission. Allow ample time for those items to be submitted along with your portfolio.
INITIAL requirements for the ACGN credential:
Current active RN license
Master's Degree (or higher) in nursing, and an Advance Practice Nurse
(per the APRN Consensus Model) -
Current, active APN license
Current CV
Transcripts of all education related to genetics, both graduate and undergraduate
Specialty "Genetics" practice clinical hours:
3 years practice in genetic nursing with at least 1,500 clinical hours
Continuing Education in genomic content within the past 3 years:
50 CEUs (15 of those in pharmacology)
Minimum of three (3) genomics-related professional development activities within previous 3 years
Supervisor verification of case studies submitted
Supervisor and Peer recommendations
Case study exemplars:
Four (4) case studies within the past 3 years; the case studies should include:
Provide a detailed summary of the nurse's encounter with a client regarding genetic assessment and care
Reflect evidence-based practice (including citations for practice in appropriate format)
Include a personal reflection on why this encounter was chosen, how it reflects the content area, and how it impacted your practice
Be a comprehensive summary of your care of the client from inital encounter to sharing of test results and follow up. The case study should NOT be a copy of the EMR note.
Case studies are typically 3-5 typewritten pages and each case study must include a comprehensive, three-generation family pedigree
There are a total of four (4) case studies required, one focusing on each of the following topics:
Legal/Ethical considerations
Collaboration with other professionals
Challenging client interaction
Unexpected findings
Case studies should NOT be composed using AI-assisted writing apps (e.g. Chat GPT, etc). They should be the applicant's original work.
Please see the SAMPLE template in the requirements portal for an example of the type of information that should be included in the case study.